Your Safety and conduct

(reproduced from the ICFM Summary code of Practice)


If you are part of a larger event, then the safety issues should have been covered for you by the organisers.  All participants should take special note of the dangers and challenges that are faced in the mountains.

1.    Make sure that you are fit to complete the event.

2.    Fully understand the route that you are taking and make sure that you leave details with someone else that include your estimated time of return.

3.    Within your group you should have someone with previous hill walking experience.

4.    Make sure that your equipment - especially clothing and footwear - is suitable for the mountains. Waterproof and windproof materials are essential.

5.    Take emergency provisions and take spare clothing in your rucksac.  Be prepared for extreme weather conditions (see news article and rescue details 24th June 2000!)

6.    Do not rely on mobile phones. If part of a larger event, the organisers should provide radio sets and marshals at regular intervals.


1.    Must have relevant experience and local knowledge.

2.    Be equipped to deal with incidents.

3.    Have clear instructions and good communications with the organisers.

4.    Inform the local mountain rescue services and other emergency services of your event.

5.    Have a plan for incidents, even the worst.

6.    Prepare for extreme weather and have a plan for a shut down procedure if required.

7.    Check all participant equipment and reserve the right to refuse access to the event if this is         not acceptable.


1.    Brief all marshals and participants on safety, keeping to agreed routes, amenities, equipment, timing, training, parking, road safety and ability levels required.

2.    It is advisable to screen participants to ensure that they are capable of completing the event.



1.    Effective communications is vital to safety and managing the event.

2.    Never rely on mobile telephones in mountainous areas - VHF radio is recommended.

3.    Always have a central control centre.